The R/L Top 25

Below are some great ideas that have been submitted by Sangha. 

  • I love recording my favorite bird songs...pure joy.
  • I choose a practice focus and commit to recording once every hour for a certain period of time. Even if I think I have nothing to say, when the time comes to record, insights always come through.
  • I like to record sweet, silly songs I sing to myself. It's so tender and brave to sing at all — let alone singing lovely supportive things about myself.
  • My favorite thing to R/L about is the "surprises" life brings. I often do this at the end of the day as a reminder of how abundant and gracious Life is.
  • My favorite thing to record is a gratitude list. It could be one for the day, for all the different parts of the body, for nature, for Awareness Practice, etc. You name it; the kinds of gratitude are endless.
  • I love to record insights that drop in, which are directly related to karma that has been revealing itself in my life. It's fun to watch that "Oh, I think I just saw something!" excitement — and then immediately get it recorded.
  • I ask, "What do you need?" Then I pause and really listen to my heart. I R/L from there. Doing this is like being loved from the inside out.
  • My favorite R/L tool is listening to my recorder throughout the night. All night long I listen to the fact that I am loved, appreciated, will never be abandoned, and am perfect exactly as I am.
  • I record my favorite songs — either by themselves or as a background to my recordings. I have "Keep on the Sunny Side" recorded about five times on various recorders and when it pops up, it always makes me smile.
  • I record what drops in after I read the daily quote from Transform your Life.
  • One of my favorite types of recordings has been the ones I've made while doing 30-day retreats from the Making a Change for Good book. These recordings include wisdom from the Mentor and the book, insights, supports, and general cheerleading that arose along the way. 
  • My favorite R/L experience was when I spontaneously chose to record all the things around me that were green — my favorite color. While doing this, I remembered that I have green eyes and I included myself. I loved that I instantly felt part of the whole, not outside of the things I was appreciating.
  • I record my description of the perfect best friend for whatever challenge is arising in the moment. 
  • My favorite thing to record is whenever I have that impulse to record and I do it RIGHT THEN.  It captures the awareness/energy of the moment — and I love hearing that over and over.
  • It's talked about a lot in Practice, but it bears repeating: the two-handed recording! Place the recorder in one hand and talk about whatever is going on. Then, put the recorder in the other hand and respond as the Mentor. (If nothing immediately comes through, I just pause the recorder and breathe until something does.)
  • I record tweets, Peace Quotes, and responses to the email class assignments.
  • My favorite R/L technique is to record books or readings. I record spiritually moving or informative books, like the Guide's. I also record whatever I am currently learning, which reminds me how fun it is to learn new things.
  • I record myself talking to my beloved pet or baby. It is beautiful to listen to that sweetness in my voice.
  • My favorite thing to record is this, "If I knew that everything was going to be okay, what would I do differently today? How would I see things differently?"
  • I like to invite the mentor to record while keeping a commitment that conditioning resists. An example is getting up early to exercise. The mentor goes through the actual activity — getting up, getting dressed, heading out the door, doing the exercise, etc. — recording at intervals throughout the whole thing. This is really kind to the human!
  • I record excerpts from the Guide's blog and guidance she offers.
  • I record first thing in the morning, while cozy and warm under the blankets. I start my recording with, "Good Morning, Love," which makes me smile every time.
  • I record the times I call in to Open Air or email class radio shows.  I love hearing the guidance again and again.
  • I recorded some online audio of people laughing. Then I started laughing and just kept recording all of it — me laughing along with the others. I like to mix in this laughter recording randomly on my playlists because it also makes me smile — and giggle.
  • One of my favorite recordings is this: "I am one with this beautiful Universe.  I am Love and loved and loving.  There's nothing to prove. I am precious, along with all that is. All is well."